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Created: Wednesday, 14 December 2022 10:01
Written by Nick Barrable

DEC22 issue (Vol.43/6) was posted on Friday 16th December. Despite some getting their magazines on the Monday as normal, others have had theirs arrive after a month. So there might still be hope if you have not had yours yet! As usual our DEC issue is BIG - another 64 pager. DO NOT take it into the toilet with you to read as you will be in there many hours blocking others access to this valuable resource ;-) This issue contains our new columns, O Myths and O Mistakes, Know your Class Leader, reports on JHIs, VHIs, SHIs, JIRCs, JWOC, WUOC, BSOA Champs., 53rd OMM in the Lakes, ETOC, WTOC, JEC, Safety Column, Silvanus, Reviews of latest Inov8 Roclite, How to plan a day of the O-Ringen - in 4 years!, Competitions, Countdown to WOC 2024, GB Squad News and various other bits and pieces, including the 2023 Foreign Multiday Events Calendar!
Make sure you give everyone in your family a subscription for Christmas :-)
Have a fabulous Yuletide!
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Created: Monday, 14 November 2022 14:48
Written by Nick Barrable

Issue 5, Vol. 43 (aka OCT22) went to our printers S&G in Southern Wales on Monday 14th November. It will start arriving in the UK in a little over a week. It contains a super mix of O delight. Expect to read about the CompassSport Cup Final, World Masters O Champs in Puglia, Italy, Lake District Mountain Trial, Canoe-O in Cumbria, Uslar 5 Days, Germany, New columns: O Mistakes and O Myths, Photo-O, usual Competitions, Silvanus column, Training Formats and more.
Christmas coming? Maybe your loved ones need a CompassSport Binder or Headband or minikite? These can be order from our 'shop' (link on left) or - We also have some surplus of last issues' WOC 2022 posters - while stocks last - £1+P&P (bulk postage discounts of course.) E-mail the Editor on
Want to sample what CompassSport is all about? Mail me on the e-mail above with your postal address and ask from a free sample back-issue copy.
Subscriptions for Christmas make a great gift. Sign up via PayPal (link on left) or get in touch for BACS bank details.